Why do today, what you can do tomorrow or the next day or indeed, the day after that...... I am far, far too good at this procrastinating malarkey, in fact, I'd even go as far as to say that I excel in it!! I have had times when I have tried to discipline myself better and stop putting off jobs that really need doing, I really have but, since I am so good in this field of procrastination, I have decided to create this 'How to procrastinate' blog post! So, here goes, check out the below guide to procrastinating; When you have a job to do but don't want to do it just yet:
1) Always ensure that you have access to the internet - from here you can google all sorts of information that you probably don't need right now like 'What is boanthropy?' or 'Are left handers or right handers more intelligent?'
2) Have your phone nearby because you can just jump onto social media at the tap of the screen - check out the latest happenings on Facebook, Twitter or post a picture to Instagram. Oh and the fun you can have with the filter apps...
3) Start looking at old photos... this can literally use up hours of your precious time ?
4) Make a cup of tea and sip slowly, perhaps dunking a biscuit or two!
5) Bake a cake! If there are no special occasions that the cake can be for, then invent one, (might be in preparation for once you've completed said task, that you are procrastinating from!) easy solution to that little problem!
6) Tidy the kitchen cupboards! This is one of my favourite things to do, well, there is one cupboard in particular that I love to tidy and organise and this would be my sweet treat cupboard!!! Take the whole lot out, go through the dates and gobble up the items that are nearing the 'best before dates'. If you are unable to find things such as chocolate, cakes, sweets or biscuits that are near to best before date, then just consume whatever takes your fancy but definitely the items that make your cupboard look a mess ?
7) Text a friend to see if they can meet for a coffee or phone them for a catch up
8) Plan a holiday and if you can, book one too!
9) Wash the car...
10) Make lots of different 'To do' lists, ideally adding items that you have already achieved today so that you can tick them off straight away and start feeling good about yourself instantly!!

Procrastination really is that simple! No need to thank me for the tips but please do feel free to add your own in the comments below ?
P.s It's National Fight Procrastination Day on 6th September! Thank goodness it's only April, I still have time until I need to start organising myself better ?
P.s.s, in case you don't know and are wondering what a boanthropy is, it's a psychological condition where the person believes that s/he is a cow or an ox!