How Many Times Do I Have To Ask You????

It's 9.30am on a Sunday morning.  "We are going out in one hour, can you please get ready...." I demand from the bathroom while getting ready myself.  We are only off to the shops and perhaps to pick up a Costa treat but it will be nice to leave the house at some point today.  Our original plans were to go to Whitstable Castle Fayre but that has been cancelled (not sure why but it was cancelled 2 days ago and I have only just checked....) and now it's raining....


Why do today, what you can do tomorrow or the next day or indeed, the day after that......  I am far, far too good at this procrastinating malarkey, in fact, I'd even go as far as to say that I excel in it!!  I have had times when I have tried to discipline myself better and stop putting off jobs that really need doing, I really have but, since I am so good in this field of procrastination, I have decided to create this 'How to procrastinate' blog post!  So, here goes, check out the below guide to procrastinating; When you have a job to do but don't want to do it just yet:

The Oldies

Old people can be such a joy.  Of course there are some horrible old people out there who are opinionated and stuck in their ways, who never have a positive word to say about anything or anyone else, which I am quite sure that I will be writing a blog or two on, in the not too distant future....  But for today, I will talk about the good ol' girls and boys ?  They usually have more time on their hands which means that they can give more time to us without having to rush off here, there and everywhere.  They can sit with us (or us with them..) sharing a cup of tea (not literally sharing the

People Don't Know Me...

When you have mental health issues, it seems there are always others who do not understand - even those who also suffer from their own mental health problems and you therefore think they will be more understanding - they are not (or are too busy thinking about their own mental health to consider yours too... ?)  There are family members who suffer with anxiety and some with depression and some with both - they do usually go hand in hand in one way or another.  I suffer more with anxiety but this can lead me into dark places sometimes when the anxiety plays me up or when things 'go wrong'.

Toilet Rhyme

Just how do they do it?????  Men, how do men manage to splash so much around the toilet when having a wee?!? Not just the toilet bowl but on the top of the cistern too (not one of those old fashion types that are above head height of course (that I think look lovely) - although sometimes I reckon that Dave would still give that a good go if we had one...) and there are little splashes of old yellow piss giving my white tiles a speckled egg appearance in places - yuck, just yuck! 

Strange Day

It's been a bit of a strange day today.  The weather is a bit pants - it's dull, wet and windy and I had no idea as to what to do to entertain us all.  I guess here is where I should now be writing something along the lines of....  So, I wracked my brains hard and came up with this marvellous plan that kept Freya, Isabella, Oliver, Dave and myself excitedly entertained for the entire afternoon - we had the best day!!!  The day was nothing like this in reality......

Blackhead Removal - Gross!!!

That was diabolically, astronomically, totally and utterly one of the most nauseating, repulsive things that I have had to do for quite some time ?no  My handsome fella has had this protruding blackhead on his back for quite a while.  You know when you are scratching their back (like the good partner that I am, I do this on occasion ?) and you feel it once and then avoid it like the plague for the next few times, then you forget and knock it again but you just cannot bring yourself to squeeze it f

Bingo Winner!

So, I went to a local family friendly bingo evening at the Community Centre last night with Dave and the girls.  Freya who is 11 wasn't all that keen on the idea but Isabella was looking forward to it.  When we arrived, there was only one table available - and I thought our time keeping tonight was something to be proud of - nope, apparently not, we were the last ones to arrive, again....  We made our way to said table with all eyes on us as we squeezed past 'pushed out' chairs with our bags and coats in hand - damn it was hot in there!  I was just getting hotter - you know that feeling whe

Dog Poo!!

Don't get me started on dog poo???!!  I have a thing for it and it's not a good thing!!  Sometimes it just seems to be everywhere.  I dislike, actually dislike is not a strong enough word to describe my utter lack of passion for the matter...

Bed hopping...

An interesting time in our household last night with bed swapping and anxiety ?.  The evening was going well.  We watched a bit of T.V together and then Freya took herself off to her bedroom which isn’t abnormal but then, I heard the door slam – clearly she was not a happy bunny….  I left it a few minutes and then went up to see what the problem was.  Freya must have heard me coming up the stairs as she shouted out “Don’t come in here!”  She sounded upset so I tried to speak to her through the door.  After a little chat, she let me in and we had a hug.  My poor baby was feeling anxious but