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In the throws of anxiety....

Wed, 10/10/2018

Feelings of panic wash over me as the adrenaline kicks in - my old friend 'anxiety' is back on the scene.... Now, I get that there is a reason for having adrenaline and that without it we would have more problems but I wish my amygdala would take a reality check and only come into play when it is really needed, like if there was a tiger in my bedroom or an asteroid about to hit my house and I need all that adrenaline, triggered by my amygdala.  I mean, it's working overtime so really should be getting bored and tired - trust me, it's not!anxiety gives me anxiety

For me, anxiety can be the feeling of panic washing over me which comes in waves as I notice a new sensation like, a tingling in my toes or a pain in my chest, a numb patch on my body or pins and needles in an unusual place (like my fanny anny!).  When the initial panic washing over me starts, this makes me more anxious which then can make my mouth dry so I need a drink, I might need to wee more, then while taking a trip to the loo, my legs might start to feel a bit weak.... I then start worrying about all these sensations, thinking: Why are they happening?  What's wrong with me?  What's going to happen next?  I'm really ill....  This, I know gives anxiety a tighter grip on me as it becomes a vicious cycle sad.  In a snapshot, this is health anxiety AKA hypochondria and I hate living with it!  It's controlling and it needs to do one and leave me be!!!


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