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Dog Poo!!

Thu, 21/02/2019

Don't get me started on dog poo???!!  I have a thing for it and it's not a good thing!!  Sometimes it just seems to be everywhere.  I dislike, actually dislike is not a strong enough word to describe my utter lack of passion for the matter... it sends me into a state of fear which turns me into some kind of possessed banshee on a bad day!  You see it's not the smell of dog poo that I detest (although it is pretty rank admittedly...) it's not even the germs as such that you would find in it...  It's the fact that if the dog hasn't been wormed, then those worms/eggs from the poo can, once in your system, cause you to become blind and there you have it, for me, dog poo = huge anxiety...  Huge anxiety = Felicity turns into a fierce crazy lady that has the potential to unintentionally cause everyone around her to have a bad day!! 

Generally, if a member of my family steps in dog poo, they try to conceal it from me and deal with it them self.  This is great until I realise that something is not right and suddenly the penny drops... and then it's a million times worse because I then don't know what they have touched so I have a massive cleaning mission on my hands.  And the bottom line is actually out of control anxiety that I wish didn't exist ?.  I make myself sound horrid and for those who have no understanding or compassion for someone with anxiety, I am a complete bitch!  (I am actually a very nice lady who just has a few issues which I can guarantee you, upset me more than anyone else around me...)

I took my girls out this afternoon to a park with a friend and her daughter.  It's a nice area with a playground, a small cafe, information centre, a lake to walk around and some banks to walk up taking you to paths, leading to further walks.  Now, I know that lots of dogs are taken for walks in this park so every now and then, I could be heard saying "look out for the dog poo girls".  All was going well.  We had a bite to eat in the cafe, which although the food took a while to arrive (and the kids were sooo staaaarving...) it was delicious.  We took a walk around the lake and the girls played in the playground area (dog poo free zone ?).  I felt safe and happy.  After our fun, we arrived at our car "just check your shoes please girls" they know the drill.  Girls' shoes all clean - brilliant!  I check mine, shit!  Shit, is, stuck, to, the, bottom, of, one, of, my, trainers!  But not just a little bit of poo, oh no, it's caked on in a massive clump and not just ?, nope, there are also leaves in various colours and bits of twigs and little stones too!!!  Horrified, I was horrified!!  Off for another walk for me...  I wiped it on the grass, rubbed it in the gravel and twigs, unfortunately not a puddle in sight - luckily it was coming off but I couldn't get it out of the grooves.  I considered taking off the shoe and driving bare foot but then I would have had to put the shoe somewhere and that filled me with dread too so I drove home with my shitty shoe on, most of the poo was actually off now but I knew that I'd still have an unwanted mammoth cleaning task ahead of me....

Pick Up Dog Poo

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