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Bed hopping...

Fri, 15/02/2019

An interesting time in our household last night with bed swapping and anxiety ?.  The evening was going well.  We watched a bit of T.V together and then Freya took herself off to her bedroom which isn’t abnormal but then, I heard the door slam – clearly she was not a happy bunny….  I left it a few minutes and then went up to see what the problem was.  Freya must have heard me coming up the stairs as she shouted out “Don’t come in here!”  She sounded upset so I tried to speak to her through the door.  After a little chat, she let me in and we had a hug.  My poor baby was feeling anxious but didn’t know why.  Anyway, things calmed down, we organised baths and getting to bed and all was going a lot smoother.  I lay there in my king sized bed getting cosy while snuggling up to Dave.


Dave, was, snoring, ‘seriously Dave, your head has literally just hit the pillow, how can you be snoring already??????’  So anyway, to cut a long story short, Dave went down to the sofa to sleep! ‘Yes’, I thought to myself ‘the whole bed for just me to spread out and relax’.  My eyes are closed and I’m feeling quite content. 


It is at this point, that Isabella comes in.  I thought to myself ‘I am not arguing’.  “Get in” I say as I pull back the covers for her.  She wriggles about a bit, gets comfortable and then low and behold…. The girl only starts snoring herself!!  Thankfully it was only quietly.


I am trying to convince myself that I do not need a wee!  I close my eyes again and try to get to sleep but it’s no good so up I get to visit the loo.  This is where I bump into Freya, the poor little love has been crying and she’s scared and tells me that she feels anxious still.  We have a little chat and a cuddle (I am also starting to feel tired and anxious myself at this point but try not to let it show – I just want to get into bed myself and hopefully sleep, praying that anxiety allows for this).  I take Freya back to bed and sit with her a while before going back to my own bed –  here I find that Isabella is bang in the middle of my bed in the star position - I just want to sleep.  If I disturb her sleep at this point, she may end up having one of her night terrors and I do not want this.  Into Isabella’s bed I go for the night. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz

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