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Bonfire night was a blast!

Tue, 06/11/2018

Remember, remember the 5th of November.....  We did fireworks in the garden at home this year with friends and family and enjoyed scrumptious food that tickled our tastebuds ?  It was an interesting night that started off calmly....  The bonfire ? was roaring away in the burner (great way to get rid of some unwanted wood that was hanging around the garden and some paperwork that I couldn't be bothered to shred!), the children were wrapped up in coats, gloves, scarfs and hats (as were most of the adults even though this year wasn't particularly chilly) and we were all set to watch the display ?. 

We bought about £200 worth of fireworks, some from Tesco and some from Sainsbury's - they did say on the information to put them 8 meters away and this was done, safety comes first?.  The fireworks were lit and there were lots of 'oooo's' and 'ahhh's' going on.  Lots of smiles and happy faces.  More fireworks were lit and then we stopped for the children (and adults) to do some sparklers - we had the usual circles and name writing going on in the air with them and of course the men thought it was hilarious to draw willies with their sparklers as always!!! 

The final set of fireworks were lit (we saved the best till last of course).... this is where things took a turn for the worse... one of the fireworks shot off at an angle and flashed its way straight into the shed at the back of the garden!  There were bangs and flashes and then it went quiet - relief washed over me that we got away lightly without further damage, or so I thought... It wasn't  long before flames started appearing from the top of the shed (luckily it's was only a small shed).  The children were pointing and the adults starting to panic and few swear words were heard!  Good job we had some quick thinking hands to help and the hose was on stand by so the flames were put out relatively quickly - this was not quite the finale that we had expected and neither did we anticipate having two separate bonfires on the go at the same time.... but luckily nobody was hurt and the kids had a great story to tell at school the next day!!  And as for the shed, well let's just say that it is no more and my water bill, well that'll be a tad higher than anticipated for this quarter.  I think that we will be remembering, remembering the 5th of November for some time and next year, perhaps we will be going to an organised firework display.....


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